Business Ideas In Ghana & Investment Opportunities in 2024

Welcome to this article about Lucrative and Profitable Business Ideas in Ghana, as well as Investment Opportunities In Ghanaian Market for the year 2024 via Afrokonnect. The economy of Ghana is continuously improving and becoming more robust as time passes.

However, despite the country’s tremendous economic expansion, it is also imperative that you invest in businesses that will yield profits in the future. So that you won’t be left behind in a number of important sectors in Ghanaian economy.

To what extent do you call Ghana home or even count yourself as a Ghanaian citizen? Do you know about the many kinds of businesses you may start and the kinds of investments you can make in Ghana?

There has never been a better moment than the present for anyone with an eye for opportunity and the will to seize it to launch a successful company in Ghana. There will never be a better moment than the present to launch a your small or large business in Ghana, which is why we created this publication to give ideas and guides on the most profitable business in Ghana.

Business ideas and investment opportunities in Ghana 2024

To help you make the most of your time in Ghana, we’ve compiled a list of promising ventures and investment possibilities if you decide to make that move.

  1. Selling tech accessories and Product

At this point in time, anybody who sells technological accessories or even softwares, such as mobile phones, laptops, printers, mobile phones gadget, computers, or computer softwares is certain to rake in millions of cedis.

The proliferation of technological devices has resulted in a rise in the number of individuals who either possess them or make regular use of them. In addition, demand is quite strong, and it continues to rise year after year.

Nowadays, even a youngster of 10 may get their hands on a smartphone and a computer and with that comes the need for a slew of add-ons. This is the kind of enterprise that an ambitious entrepreneur should definitely think about becoming involved with.

  1. An Enterprise in the Jewellery Industry

It is well recognized throughout Africa that Ghana has a significant gold reserve. Despite this, jewelry may be rather pricey in the nation. You are aware that women consider jewelry to be an essential component of their outfits and that they find it very difficult to remove their eye on elegant jewelry’s.

Given that most marriages require at least one partner to wear a wedding ring, it stands to reason that the industry would be profitable for entrepreneurs to enter.

Profitable Business ideas and investment opportunities in Ghana 2024

  1. Building Materials

If you’re from Ghana or you have lived there for some time, you’ve probably noticed that there are construction sites for new homes almost everywhere. For the apparent reason that most wealthy individuals have realized the value of constructing their own homes.

Furthermore, there has been a considerable increase in the number of real estate builders. We have written an article on How To Start Your Own Real Estate Business that can help you with some tips.

When putting up buildings, you will require various types of building materials, such as cement, roofing sheet, plumbing supplies, tiles, and so on. If you are able to quickly engage in the business of selling these goods, then you can be certain of bringing in some chilly cash.

The majority of individuals that sell building supplies earn their money in the following way:

When they have purchased these items in preparation for resale, they go to different building sites in order to make sales pitches to contractors and they also meet with plumbers in order to make sales pitches to them.

These vendors negotiate arrangements with those contractors and in exchange for their business, they provide the contractors discounts on the goods they sell. This strategy is intended to encourage the contractors to purchase the sellers’ wares.

They buy into it because the majority of construction contractors are seeking for methods to transfer part of their client’s or customer’s money into their own pockets and this is one of the ways that they have found.

  1. Barbershops and beauty salons

No doubt you will protest that you are neither a hairdresser nor have any interest in the profession. However, the reality is that in order to operate a hair and beauty salon company, you do not need to have experience working as a barber, hairdresser, or beauty professional.

As an entrepreneur, it is your responsibility to establish the shop, hire people who have experience in the industry and then oversee the daily operations of the company. You do not need to be skilled in the art of barbering in order to operate a barbershop;

Instead, you should establish a salon company and hire those who are skilled in the arts of hairdressing, skin care, and barbering, in order to provide services to clients while you manage the salon and make profit from its operations.

Consider the costs of exfoliation, pedicure and manicure, as well as cosmetics, when budgeting for a hairdresser for a woman. After doing some research, I found out that there is not a single hair and beauty shop in Ghana that is ever without clients on a regular basis.

I found this to be quite interesting because most Africans love their hair just as much as they love food. Because of this, it will always be possible to make a profit in this line of work,

Provided you are kind to your customers and provide them with the services they need. If you’re interested in this business opportunity then start by researching on How to start a beauty salon business to a profitable venture.

Lucrative Business ideas and investment opportunities in Ghana 2024

  1. Pharmaceuticals

Another potentially profitable and lucrative business idea in Ghana is presented here. When someone is unwell, one does not have a choice but to get medication since it is a requirement in this nation as well as in other other countries.

I’ve just gotten back from the pharmacy, where I went to get a medication for my throat, and guess what? I found out something else! There, I made some new friends.

If you are granted permission to launch this company, I guarantee that you will have a genuine opportunity to enter the ranks of the billionaire club, regardless of the stringent laws and regulations that must be followed in order to become a part of this firm.


  1. Transportation Company – Most Lucrative Business ideas in Ghana

It is essential to have a means of moving people from one location to another. Because many Ghanaians are always on the move, starting a firm that provides transportation services to individuals travelling to their jobs, schools, or places of worship would be an extremely lucrative endeavor.

The truth is that a person must depend on public transit for ten years before he or she can eventually afford an automobile of their own. The same groups of individuals are always in play as possible buyers, since you never know when they’ll be ready to make a purchase.

In Ghana, all it takes to establish your own successful transportation business is one or two cars to get you on the road to financial freedom. You can choose to even Start a Driving School Business or read how How To Make Money With Your Car in 10 Lucrative ways.

  1. Laundry Business

Business Ideas & Investment Opportunities In Ghana 2022

Because most workers are so busy with their work that they scarcely have time to wash their own laundry, the services are in great demand, and if you decide to pursue this business idea, you have a good chance of making a lot of money from it.

This enterprise has the potential to turn you into a millionaire in a short amount of time, Particularly if it is the only dry-cleaning services firm in the immediate area. I recommend you read about How to start a Laundry and Dry Cleaning Business before you make your move.

20 Profitable & Lucrative Business ideas in Ghana and investment opportunities in 2024

  1. Poultry Farming
  2. Snail Farming
  3. Vegetable Farming
  4. Uber
  5. Day Care Centre/Basic School
  6. Photography Services
  7. Barbering Saloon
  8. Gym/Fitness Centre
  9. Food and Drinks
  10. Real Estate
  11. Auto Mechanic Garage
  12. Construction Equipment Rentals
  13. Drug Store
  14. Outdoor Advertising
  15. Mobile Phone Accessories Retail/Wholesale
  16. Beauty Products Retail/Wholesale
  17. Building Materials Retail Outlet
  18. Microfinance
  19. Courier/Delivery Services
  20. Light Manufacturing Industry


If you can run the company well, each one of these seven ideas might net you six figures in a year. You have no more justifications to provide, since this is our year to shine.


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