Banks in Germany: Overview of Top 10 German Banks

This page contains information about Banks in Germany, via Afrokonnect. The stability of the German banking system is without a doubt its strongest asset. The resiliency of the economy in the face of any challenge, and the low rate of unemployment across the country (below 5% according to the most recent report) are the two aspects that set them apart from other banks around the world.

According to the findings, one of the most pressing challenges is the environment’s low yield. On the other hand, Germany has constructed its entire financial system around a robust operating platform, which is the primary reason why German banks have been doing so well recently.

However, the German banking system must also contend with another obstacle, which is the persistent pressure to earn more money while simultaneously maintaining a very high cost base. Nevertheless, in spite of all of these difficulties, it is anticipated that Germany’s financial institutions will continue to be stable in terms of their capital base and liquidity in the years to come.

The German Banking System Organizational Structure

Germany is home to an incredible number of financial institutions, significantly more than any other nation in Europe. Germany is home to approximately 1,800 different financial institutions, which is 1,000 more than any other nation in Europe.


The banking industry in Germany can be broken down into the following three categories:

  • First-tier:

Private banks make up the first level of the banking system.

There are two hundred different private banks in total. The lending bank is Deutsche Bank, which is one of these more than 200 private banks.

  • Second-tier:

The second tier of banks consists of savings banks that are owned by the public. There are four hundred savings banks that are owned by the public.

  • Third and final tier:

Is made up of credit unions that are owned by their members. In Germany, there are more than 1,100 credit unions that are owned by their members.

List of Top Banks in Germany

1. Deutsche Bank Germany:

This item is at the very top of the ranking list when measured against the total assets acquired. At the same time, this financial institution is the most successful private bank in all of Germany.

The most recent report indicates that Deutsche Bank has amassed total assets worth 1.32 quadrillion euros. Headquarters of Deutsche Bank is in Frankfurt. It began operations in 1869, making it almost 152 years old, having approximately 82,969 employees.

2. DZ Bank Group

The DZ Bank Group is the second largest bank in Germany in terms of total assets acquired, making it the number two spot on our list. This bank ended the year with a total asset acquisition value of 596 billion euros.

DZ Bank Group reported a profit of €2.197 billion, before taking into account any taxes. The Group had a total workforce of 31,410 people. It was merged with WGZ bank in the year 2016. Frankfurt is the location of DZ Bank Group’s main office and headquarters.

Top Banks in Germany

3. KfW Bankengruppe

KfW Bankengruppe is the third-largest bank in Germany in terms of total assets acquired, making it the third-placed bank overall. This bank brought in a total of 472.3 billion euros worth of assets during the year.

The operating income (which excludes the effect of promotional activity) was €1.669 billion. It was established in 1948, making it almost 69 years old now. The bank has approximately 6,705 employees working for it. KfW Bankengruppe headquarter is in Frankfurt. It was previously known as “KfW Bankengruppe,” but that name has been shortened to “KfW.”

4. Commerzbank Germany

Commerzbank is the fourth largest bank in Germany according to the total assets acquired, making it the number four spot on our list. This bank brought in a total of €462 billion worth of assets during the year. It was established on February 26th, 1870, which is approximately 147 years ago.

The headquarters of Commerzbank in Frankfurt is home to approximately 49,174 employees. According to the most recent report, the total revenue and operating income were respectively 13.71 billion euros and 1.64 billion euros.

Top Banks in Germany

5. HypoVereinsbank (UniCredit Bank AG):

HypoVereinsbank is a subsidiary of UniCredit and is the fifth largest bank in Switzerland. This bank is the fifth-largest financial institution in Germany according to the total assets that it has acquired.

This bank brought in a total of 300.3 billion euros worth of assets during the year. Its total equity is equal to 19 billion euros. 1998 marked the beginning of its existence. Munich is the location of HypoVereinsbank’s main office and headquarters. This bank has a total workforce of 12,194 individuals working for it.

6. Landesbank Baden-Württemberg:

Based on the total assets acquired, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg has achieved the position of number six among the 1,800 banks that are located in Germany. According to the report the company has accumulated total assets worth €285 billion. On March 1, 1999, it was first established.

This financial institution calls Stuttgart home for its main office. There are approximately 10,840 people working there at the moment. Private customers, customers of real estate financing, customers of corporations, customers of savings banks, and customers of capital markets are the five categories of banking clients that this financial institution serves.

7. Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB):

Based on the total assets acquired, the Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg has secured the seventh position among all of the banks in Germany. According to reports it had accumulated total assets worth €257.743 billion. It was established in the year 1884.

Large corporations, customers of real estate, customers of asset management, and various financial institutions can all take advantage of the plethora of services that BayernLB has to offer. The headquarters of the Bayerische Landesbank, also known as BayernLB, can be found in Munich. About 7,000 people are employed by this financial institution.

Top Banks in Germany


8. Norddeutsche Landesbank (Nord/LB):

According to the total assets acquired, the Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg has secured the eighth position among all of the banks in Germany. According to the report, the company has accumulated total assets worth €160 billion. It first opened its doors in 1970.

And, it provides services to the private sector, the public sector, corporate entities, and institutional settings. This financial institution has its main office in the city of Hanover. It recorded approximately 6,453 employees working for it.

9. Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba):

According to the total assets acquired, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen has secured the ninth position out of the 1,800 banks that are located in Germany. The bank has accumulated total assets worth 219.3 billion euros. It began operations on June 1, 1953, and as of 2021, it had approximately 6,000 employees on its payroll.

Both Frankfurt and Erfurt serve as the corporate headquarters for Helaba. In addition, it serves as a central clearing institution and supplies forty percent of the savings banks in Germany.

10. NRW.Bank:

NRW.Bank has maintained its position as the tenth best bank in terms of the total assets acquired. According to the report published, the total assets that this bank had acquired amounted to 147,583,809,613.28 billion euros.

It was established in the year 2002. This particular bank has locations in both Dusseldorf and Munster that serve as their respective headquarters. NRW.Bank has approximately 1,348 staff members on its payroll.

It provides a wide range of services, including equity financing, promotion loans with low interest rates, and advisory services. In addition to that, it is involved in treasury services as well as businesses that are connected to the capital markets.

List of Top 10 Banks in Germany

Banks in Germany: Overview of German Banks

  1. Deutsche Bank
  2. DZ Bank Group
  3. KfW Bankgruppe
  4. Commerzbank
  5. HypoVereinsbank (UniCredit Bank AG)
  6. Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
  7. Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB)
  8. Norddeutsche Landesbank (Nord/LB)
  9. Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba)
  10. NRW Bank

We trust you found our overview of banking in Germany useful. In this article, we will discuss the 10 best German banks and give an overview of their organizational structure and financial health. Let us know what you think via the comment section before you leave.


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