Types of Jobs Categories in the world
We have different types of jobs but there are 3 main types of jobs, namely:
1) Trade: These are manual jobs and people who engage in this type of jobs must have done a course and completed a period of practical work. Examples of such jobs include: Electrician, Carpenter, Butcher, Plumber, Locksmith, Baker, Bricklayer, Blacksmith, Roofer, Mechanic, Draftsperson, tree surgeon, Etc.
2) Profession: This type of job requires a person to possess a university degree before he/she is qualified to engage in it. Examples of such jobs are: Doctor, Lawyer, Scientist, Dentist, Geologist, Architect, Accountant, Actuary, Pilot, Sea Captain, Cosmologist, Etc.
3) Unskilled: This can be done by anyone as you don’t need any formal qualifications for them.
Examples of such jobs are: Fruit picker, Farm laborer, Assembly Line Worker, Grocery Clerk, Cleaner, Custodial worker, Painter, Maid, Guard, Etc.
Note: Success is not determined by belonging to the professional class; Many CEOs of giant multinationals have no university degrees. Many of them start from the bottom of the employment chain and worked themselves to the top.
Now that we have seen the different types of Jobs we have, let’s look at the highest paying career Jobs in the world and their average salary.
Top 20 Highest Paying Career Jobs in the world in 2025
Do you want to know the highest paying careers and their average salary? well, worry not because you’re in the right place. We have carefully drafted the top 20 highest paying career jobs in the world; grab a snack and hang on to the end of this article to find out more, so let’s dive in:
20) Lawyer
Arguably one of the most popular career jobs in the world because virtually everyone knows who a lawyer is, Lawyers are professional who defend their clients in the court of law by convincing the judge that their client is right.
They spend years in the university studying and taking exams before they get called to bar; Sometimes, lawyers also provide legal advice and draw up legal documents for their clients. As a lawyer, you can work in the private sector or get hired in the public sector. Even though lawyers in the private sector tend to get higher renumeration and compensation.
- Average Salary: $141,890
19) Marketing Manager
An ideal marketing manager should have the ability to initiate ideas and think on the go, they are professional who are responsible for the planning, executing and delivering of companies marketing plans and policies. Marketing managers mostly focus more on strategy side of things than implementation which is why they need to have ideas and wide knowledge.
- Average Salary: $145,620
18) Podiatrist
Sometimes we consume a lot of things that are harmful to us without us even knowing and that is where a Podiatrist comes into play. Podiatrist are people who specializes in diagnosing and treating foot-related issues. As a Podiatrist you can work in a food processing company or with a government food regulatory organization, you can work in a lot places actually, that is after spending over 8 years studying before you become certified.
- Average Salary: $148,470
17) Petroleum Engineer
In an oil producing country like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Nigeria and Qatar, this is a very lucrative career path. Similarly, it is also a high paying career job in non-oil producing country because this generation can’t survive without Petrol and gas,
Petroleum engineers specialize in the process of enhancing oil and gas extraction from the ground and production alike; However, their job has been made easier due to the invention of latest technologies which extract oil in a safe and environment-friendly way.
- Average Salary: $154,780
16) IT Manager
The world has become a global village and even the biggest and most valuable companies in the world are looking for IT professional, it’s hard for a 21st century company to survive without an IT manager, they are the ones that protects and secures a company IT infrastructure and networks from malware and hackers. Most time IT managers aid in any software and hardware upgrade of computers; they also help in fixing any technical issues any IT company may encounter.
- Average Salary: $142,530
15) Airline Pilot and Co-Pilot
Before you become a pilot or a co-pilot you must first of all get the necessary certification and go through series of training, because flying is a crucial career job that involves the lives of people just like a medical personnel, you can consider any of the Best Aviation Schools In Ghana or even decide to opt in for any of the Aviation Schools in South Africa. Basically, pilots fly planes in the sky for commercial or private services.
To become a certified commercial or private license pilot, you will need to sit for various exams and go through a lot of training as stated before.
- Average Salary: $161,280
14) Nurse Anesthesiologist
These are professionals who administer anesthesia, ensure patients recovery and monitor patients vitals. To be an Anesthesiologist, you must be a certified nurse and then obtain a masters degree from an accredited nurse anesthesia program.
- Average Salary: $169,450
13) Dentist
Oral care is one aspect of life that cannot be overlooked because it is very important to yourself and people around you, dentist are professionals who handle any tooth-related issues, we have doctors that specialize in that alone. To become certified, you must undertake a lot of exams as well as studying for several years. After studying and graduating with the required grade, this is one of the highest paying career opportunities in the world.
- Average Salary: $174,110
12) Pediatrician
Their main responsibilities are to diagnose, prevent and treat diseases and injuries in children. You must have a keen interest in children and must view yourself taking care of them on the daily basis, in children is an added advantage because it helps you relate with kids and understand them better.
- Average Salary: $183,240
11) Prosthodontist
Prosthodontist are slightly different from dentists because they specialize in replacing missing tooth, they are commonly referred to as “Dental Plastic Surgeons” as they do a lot of cosmetic work on the tooth. Some of them rack most of their money by customizing teeth for celebrities and people that want to customize their teeth for fashion.
- Average Salary: $196,960
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Highest Paying Career Jobs in the world in 2025
10) Internist
Since it is very difficult to determine what causes pain in our body because it is internal; Internists provide us answers to those questions, basically, they specialize in providing treatment plans for internal injuries or diseases. Their services usually comes in handy when their is an accident and parties involved have no external injuries, an Internist will run a test for injuries that the physical eyes might not necessarily see.
- Average Salary: $198,370
9) Chief Operating Officer (CEO)
These people are responsible for directing a company to its set goals and targets, they report to a board of directors. Sometimes they own their company while in some cases they are employed to work for an already established company. To be a CEO, you need to have a lot of experience in the managerial side of running a business. Having a degree in Public Administration, Business Management and any related field is an added advantage.
- Average Salary: $200,140
8) General Practitioner
These is the first call for people who are ill as they will advise, diagnose and treat health-related issues; They also recommend people to specialist for you to see depending on your symptoms. It is one of the highest paying career job in the world.
- Average Salary: $208,560
7) Psychiatrist
A psychiatrist is a physician that specialize in diagnosing and treating of disorders of the mind. To be certified, you will need to complete your medical training before obtaining a masters in Psychiatry.
- Average Salary: $216,090
6) Orthodontist
Orthodontists are responsible for examining, diagnosing and fixing any dental abnormalities of the jaw and teeth. This is the third profession in the dental field which falls on our list and this indicates that the dental field is a very lucrative one. To be an Orthodontist, you must first complete your dental degree and then complete a postgraduate Orthodontist program.
- Average Salary: $228,500
Highest Paying Career Jobs in the world – Most in Demand Job in 2025
5) Gynecologist
A gynecologist specialize in diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases of women. They also aid in maintaining the woman’s reproductive system. It is also one of the top 5 highest paying career opportunity on this list.
- Average Salary: $235,240
4) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
Oral & Maxillofacial is one of the highest paying career in the world at the moment, they are peculiar from normal dentists as they focus on surgeries on hard and soft tissues of the teeth. To be a professional in this field, you will need to study for an additional four years after completing a dentistry degree.
- Average Salary: $243,500
3) Surgeon
This profession is one of the most important we have in the world as of today and it justifies their average annual salary. You will need to pick an area of interest and study further to become a surgeon.
- Average Salary: $251,000
2) Anesthesiologist
To become an Anesthesiologist, you will first need to be a doctor, complete a further 4-year anesthesiology residency program and sit for an exam from the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA). They are physicians that administer anesthetics before, during and after a surgery.
- Average Salary: $265,000
1) Neurosurgeon
These are professionals who are highly trained in treating disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system. It is the most demanding medical professions and requires a lot of training before you can become one; to earn high, you will need at least 5-7 years in a neurosurgery program.
- Average Salary: $381,500
Top 20 Highest paying jobs in the world – Most In Demand Jobs in America in 2025
Below is a quick recap of all the 20 highest paying careers in the world listed in this article:
- Neurosurgeon
- Anesthesiologist
- Surgeon
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
- Gynecologist
- Orthodontist
- Psychiatrist
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Internist
- Prosthodontist
- Pediatrician
- Dentist
- Nurse Anesthesiologist
- Airline Pilot & Co-Pilot
- IT Manager
- Petroleum Engineer
- Podiatrist
- Marketing Manager
- Lawyer
The video in our channel is about high salary paying countries in the world, you can watch it and pick one or two tips if you’re planning to secure an international Job in a foreign country; Please kindly note that the figures in this publication are not necessarily constant as it can be higher or less depending on factors like Organization, Location and entry Level.
More so, the list is to give you an idea of how much these professionals earn in their various jobs and specialization. This brings us to the end of this publication about top 20 highest paying career jobs and occupations in the world, as well as most in-demand jobs via Afrokonnect. Let us know what you think via the comment section.