How To Retrieve Your Money After You’ve Been Scammed

I am sharing a knowledge today on “Tips on how to retrieve your money after you’ve been scammed”, Please read carefully and learn. 20% of social media users and online shoppers have been scammed at one point or the other, either large bucks or small money and It’s quite painful.

Other victims might just want to let go of the money probably because they don’t know what to do, steps to take or it’s not a huge sum.

Some might want to try and retrieve back their money, if you fall under the category of people that’ll try to get back their money then read on, even if you don’t fall under that category still read on to have an idea Incase.

So today am sharing with you things you things you should do immediately you’ve been scammed online, to retrieve your money after you’ve been scammed you might be asking,

What do I do if I’ve been scammed online?

So, When you realize a page you paid for a service or goods is ghosting you:

  1. Screenshot all previous chats across all messaging app weather its Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook or any other messaging platform.
  2. Write out the Full name and account number of the page or person.
  3. Go to the last notification your bank sent you after you made the payment (via mobile app or text) copy out the “TRANSACTION ID NUMBER”.
  4. Go to any branch of the scam artist’s bank (the bank the scammer uses), ask to see the CUSTOMER SERVICE in charge of FRAUD.
  5. If you can, print out all those chats with the scammer, and submit it. While you are there, send an email to SCAMMER’S BANK and a copy to CBN FRAUD DESK ([email protected]). this will enable the bank to take it up fast.

What should you expect from this? The culprit/suspects account will be PLACED ON HOLD. His BVN will be blocked permanently, No account will ever be opened neither will he be able to transact banking business in that name until he clears himself with the bank.

Meaning he/she cannot transfer or withdraw until they visit the bank and when they do, the bank will contact the police and the suspect when proven guilty will sign a waiver allowing the bank to refund your money. If you follow these steps you should be able to retrieve your money after you’ve been scammed. SEE ALSO – How to withdraw money from your PayPal to your account 

What do you do if you think you have been scammed and where to get help;

  1. Contact people you know and the scammers mutual if possible 
  2. Contact your financial institution
  3. Recover your stolen identity
  4. Report scams to the authorities
  5. Report scams to Facebook services
  6. Change your online passwords
  7. Contact your local consumer protection agency
  8. Contact a counselling or support service

FAQ about how to retrieve your money after you’ve been scammed

Will my bank refund me if I get scammed ?

Normally If your transaction was paid by bank transfer or Direct Debit, most banks should reimburse you if you’ve transferred money to someone because of a scam.

This type of scam is known as an ‘authorised push payment’. If you’ve paid by Direct Debit, you should be able to get a full refund under the Direct Debit Guarantee.

However, This usually involves the recipient’s bank contacting the account holder to ask his or her permission to reverse the transaction. More so, You should get your money back if you’ve followed all the above instructions. Never forget this, Share this with somebody if you learnt something here or find this article interesting.

How to retrieve your money after you've been scammed

Conclusion about How to retrieve your money after you’ve been scammed

Finally, while dealing with the fallout of a scam can be a horrifying ordeal, keep in mind that there are options available to you for getting your money back and getting your financial treasure in order. In this guide, we have provided you with practical techniques and tools to assist you in navigating this difficult situation.

Being quick and decisive is of the utmost importance. To report the scam and freeze any related accounts or transactions, contact your bank or financial institution without delay. Help them with their investigation and raise the possibility of getting your money back by giving them specific details about the scam, including any pertinent paperwork or communication.

Also, think about contacting the local authorities in charge of regulation, consumer advocacy groups, or police enforcement in your area. It is possible that they have established procedures or resources to aid scam victims and speed up the healing process.

Do not hesitate to look into other possible solutions, such as the dispute resolution options offered by online platforms or payment processors. Consumers should rest certain that many respectable businesses have safeguards against fraudulent transactions and may even provide channels for resolving disputes or getting their money back.

To investigate possible legal options or lessen the impact of any possible long-term financial consequences, it may be important to talk with a financial counsellor or an attorney.

Keep your health and safety as your top priorities at all times. If you feel you need help recovering from the emotional and mental toll that being a victim of a scam has taken on you, reach out to loved ones or a professional counsellor.

Recovering from a fraud isn’t easy, but staying alert and taking preventative measures will help you avoid falling victim to scams in the future. Learn to recognise the signs of a scam, be wary of anything that seems too good to be true, and take precautions to protect your personal and financial data.

To recover from the effects of being a victim of a scam and start building your financial resilience again, it’s important to move decisively, get help from the right people, and learn from your mistakes.


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