Meaning of Marlians, Marlian Record Label by Naira Marley – Full Info

Many people have wondered what is the meaning of Marlians, in this article we’ll explain who a Marlian is, give you the full meaning of Marlian according to Naira Marley And also the Marlian Record label.

Marlians groups are arguably the biggest and most famous group and fan base in Nigeria at the moment.

Who is the founder of Marlians?

Marlians is a movement started by controversial Nigerian singer and rapper Naira Marley. Naira Marley has created a very strong movement in Nigeria which he referred to as the Marlians. Some people even believe that the Marlians are stronger than The Wizkid Fc in Nigeria.

SEE ALSO – Naira Marley Net Worth, Career, Controversies and Biography 

What is the meaning of Marlian?

It’s important to know that meaning of marlians doesn’t literally mean a bad boy or a bad girl. If you love Naira Marley and his music, you can also call yourself a Marlian. It is not Paramount to do drugs, smoke weed, be an alcohol addict to be called a Marlian.

Who are the Marlians?

The key to understanding who are the Marlians is to know the characteristics of a Marlian, in a recent article published by NAIJALOADED they cited 10 characteristics of a Marlian, which are:

1. Crazy Hairstyle

You can never see a Marlian in a cooperate dress, they are the one that always looks rough with a crazy hairstyle.

2. Alcohol Addict

Marlians drink to stupor and they are always high on Opa eyin and Alomo.

3. No Belt Gang | Meaning of Marlians

Remember one of his lyrics that says – Zero belt, thousand trousers. Simply means Marlians don’t use belt or let me put it this way, they don’t have belt at all.

4. Zero Manners

Manners are far from Marlians, they fear nothing which results in another way to know a Marlian (MAFO). They don’t have any chill or manners at all.

5.  Don’t Fear Anything (MAFO)

Lol! you would have heard about 44-4 right? O fo ti (Zero fear). Marlians don’t fear anything, even death. If you like show them gun – them go stand gidi gba.

Meaning of Marlians and  Marlian Record Label by Naira Marley

6. Drug Addicted

Doing drug is a must as it is always prescribed to them to be the Most high in the hood. You can’t be a Marlian without doing drug, except you are just deceiving yourself and forcing yourself on Naira Marley.

7. Masturbators 

If you are doing this, you are automatically a Marlian. Remember the popular “Soapy” dance – this is where masturbation habits came from. So in all honesty, if you don’t “Jo Soapy“, you are not a Marlian.

8. Weed Addicted

You might decide to smoke Igbo, Loud or SK – all join. Once you smoke weed, you are a bonafide Marlian

9. No Educational Success

In case you don’t know – Marlians don’t graduate! This is people’s popular opinion about Marlians. They just go to school and drop out in 200 or 300 level.

Who are the Marlians?

10. Those Who Love Naira Marley’s Music

To round these up, it’s important to know that you don’t have to be a bad boy/girl to be a Marlian. If you love Naira Marley and his music, you can also call yourself a Marlian.

It is not Paramount to do drug, smoke weed, be alcohol addicted to be called a Marlian. Example, I don’t do any of the things listed above but am a Marlian too. So, the above top 10 list is what Naijaloaded characterized as characteristic of a Marlian.

What is the meaning of Marlians According to Naira Marley?

According to Naira Marley a Marlian is someone who knows all Naira Marley songs, a Marlian also knows how to do the Tesumole, Legwork and Soapy Dance. He said a Marlian also drinks straight liquor and has a dread.

Naira Marley never said marlians are should drop out of school or be irresponsible in the society. Infact Naira Marley is a Graduate so any fan or Marlian that’s planning to drop out because of Naira Marley should better reconsider.

Recenty Naira Marley himself dropped what he called the “Marlian Score Card”. And, from what we can all see, he included Graduating as a Criteria of being a True Marlian.

Marlian Score Card | Meaning of Marlians

Meaning of Marlian
The above image is a score card posted by the Marlian President “Naira Marley”. You can check through and rate yourself weather you fall under the category of;

  • Fake Marlian (0-4)
  • Beginner Marlian (5-8)
  • Amateur Marlian (9-13)
  • Pro Marlian (14-17) and finally
  • Elite Marlian (19-20).

If you’ll like to know about the Marlians you can watch the video on our channel where other people shared their opinions about who is a Marlian.

Naira Marley Marlian Records Label.

Following his rise to the Spotlight, Naira Marley has started his own label “Marlian Records”. Recently, he signed Zinoleesky, MohBad, Fabian Blu and C-Blvck to the label.

Naira Marley announced the Marlian record label During his first set performance at his headlining show  Marlian Fest. He said, “I want to use the platform to announce my new record label called Marlian Records and it’s for you all (points to his fans, the Marlians). Any of you that has talent can come through.”

Meaning of Marlians

We hope you enjoyed this publication about the meaning of Marlian, Marlian record label via Afrokonnect. Don’t forget to share and drop a comment below.



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